EPR – Extended Producer Responsibility

Compliance with EPR regulations is crucial for anyone marketing products in the EU. In Germany, laws such as the Packaging Act, ElektroG and BattG regulate take-back and recycling. Other EU countries have similar but different regulations.

Manufacturers and online retailers on platforms such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy must provide specific evidence in order to avoid sanctions. Find out how to master the EPR requirements and what support we offer.

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What does the EPR mean?

EPR stands for "Extended Producer Responsibility ”. This principle obliges manufacturers and retailers throughout the EU to take responsibility for the entire life cycle of their products

  • from design to disposal and recycling.

This applies not only to the product itself, but also to all packaging and product components that are placed on the market. It is the responsibility of the distributors to ensure that these materials are disposed of and recycled correctly.

What is the EPR number?

The EPR number, also known as the European Product Registry Number, plays a crucial role for manufacturers, importers and online retailers who wish to sell their products in Europe. This identifier is essential to comply with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations, which aim to minimize the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle.

The EPR number is an identifier that allows authorities to trace the origin and distribution route of products. Without this number, companies may find it difficult to provide the necessary proof of compliance with EPR regulations. This can lead to trade restrictions and even legal sanctions.

EPR requirements on online marketplaces

To comply with the EPR requirements, merchants on popular online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy must ensure that they submit all required registrations and documentation in a timely manner.

Compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid penalties, trading restrictions or the suspension of seller accounts. Below is a brief overview of the requirements on these platforms that are necessary for smooth business operations.


Retailers must submit specific EPR evidence, including EPR numbers for packaging, electrical appliances and batteries, in the EPR compliance portal. Amazon will block sales offers if the evidence is not submitted on time to prevent penalties and sales bans.


eBay requires EPR registration numbers and proof of packaging licensing from its merchants. On the French market ebay.fr, UPINs and environmental contributions in product listings are also required to prevent penalties and sales bans.


Etsy requires sellers to provide EPR registration numbers and proof of recycling fees, especially for shipments to Germany and France. The relevant information must be stored in the Etsy Shop Manager.

What applies to the EPR outside of Germany?

The implementation of EPR targets varies across the EU as each member state converts EU directives into national law based on local conditions. This poses challenges for companies operating in several EU countries as they have to deal with different national regulations.

For example, an electronics manufacturer operating in Germany, France and Italy must make different contributions to take-back systems and comply with different product labeling and recycling procedures.

EPR in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, packaging (e.g. composite packaging, reusable packaging) and textiles are subject to an EPR registration obligation. Manufacturers, distributors and importers who place packaging, basket products and textiles on the market must comply with the provisions of the Packaging Management Decree (Besluit Beheer Verpakkingen) of 2014.

EPR in France

In France, companies must apply for an EPR number for a wide range of products, including packaging, electronics, batteries, toys and textiles. This requires registration with the relevant recycling systems, with the EPR number being obtained via the Agency for the Environment and Energy (ADEME).

EPR in Austria

In Austria, sellers of electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and packaging must be registered as producers in accordance with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). This includes registering with a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), submitting an annual quantity declaration and paying an environmental fee.

EPR in Italy

In Italy, manufacturers, importers and online retailers of packaging, including compostable plastics, must register in the national producer register. The EPR framework covers materials such as paper, metals and glass. Foreign companies can register voluntarily.

EPR in Spain

The EPR in Spain covers light packaging, paperboard, glass containers, pharmaceutical packaging, pesticide and fertilizer packaging, tires that are no longer used, batteries, accumulators, waste electrical and electronic equipment. The EPR number is assigned through registration with the Spanish Ministry of Environmental Transition and Demographic Challenges (MITECO).

EPR full service throughout Europe

Our EPR Full Service relieves you of all obligations arising from the EPR. We offer free personal advice and support your company with legally compliant exports abroad, including taking on administrative tasks.

Thanks to our strong network in the European recovery and recycling market, we develop individual solutions for efficient packaging disposal for every company. You benefit from a personal contact person and transparent communication.

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